ELLE SHIMADA Home ≠ Location LP
- LP
For Tokyo-born Melbourne-based artist Elle Shimada, the concept of home is ever changing. In fact, it’s the current which flows through her debut album, HOME ≠ LOCATION.
HOME ≠ LOCATION, out on seminal label The Jazz Diaries, is the product of several years of tinkering, culminating in a wholly unique project. ‘HOME is multiple, complex, shapeless. [...] Home is in music, a space to share it with you’, Shimada sings on the album opener. Lithe and loose, marrying incisive political commentary with deep introspection, HOME ≠ LOCATION certifies that Shimada is Australia’s next bright talent. Across eight dizzying tracks which flow from lean, skittish skeletal beats upon which Shimada’s climbs to agile blends of house, bass and candied keys, the album nestles in the subconscious long after the first listen.
FOR FANS OF Liv.E, Keiyaa, Demaemae, Flying Lotus, Knxwledge, NxWorries, MiguelAtwood Ferguson, Mndsgn
A1 Home is ___
A2 Why Fight | 故郷
A3 Departure | 出発
A4 Moon | 月光
B1 Omnipotent _ 全能
B3 Remember l 記憶
B2 Benzaiten | 弁財天
B4 Protest ∞ Protect