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V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD
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V/A Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston 2CD

  • 2CD
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Z Records continues its commitment to unearthing the obscure and long forgotten tracks from the last 40 years through the ever-popular Under The Influence series. Following on from Red Greg, Paul Phillips, James Glass, Nick The Record, Sean P and Faze Action it’s now the turn of one of the scenes most prolific but yet unknown collectors, Winston.

Outside of the established record collectors Winston is pretty much unknown but those that know of him will tell you that despite his low profile he has one of the best record collections around. So for Volume Seven of the Under The Influence series Winston has included tracks taking in soul, funk, disco and boogie with many of the tracks costing hundreds if you were able to find the originals. As always with ZR compilations a lot of time and effort has been spent on creating these masters from the original vinyl, cleaning them up, removing all the clicks and pops resulting in the cleanest sounding copy possible.

CD #1
1. Mary Gold - Dancing
2. Doug Payne & Polygon – Holiday
3. Bollyn Thompson - Build Your Foundation
4. Betty Padgett – Sugar Daddy (Part One & Two)
5. Bilalian Creation – Save The Children
6. Expose – I Just Wanna Dance With You
7. Lord Of Storm - I'm Human
8. Jungle Band – Jungleland (Part Two)
9. RG's All Nite Funk Band - Go For It Sucker
10. T.T. Sotto - Chorus Line
11. Bramsam - Get Up And Dance Now

CD #2
1. Jonnie Vibes Lambert - Can't Stop Dancin'
2. Synergy feat. Donnell Pitman - More People Than Me
3. Al ''Man'' Muntzie and The Embraceables - We Are Steady Rockin'
4. Are & Be - If There Is No Struggle (Long Version)
5. Juice – Mercy On Me
6. The G.T.’s - Let's Do It Together
7. Eklips - My Love
8. Ms. Victoria Barnes - Never Too Late (Disco Version)
9. The Olympics - Do You Like It
10. Suave - Salsa Gon Gitcha
11. The Rappers – Funky Juice (Part One)

WytwórniaZ Records
Styl MuzycznySoul/Funk/Disco
Under The Influence Vol.7 compiled by Winston
Z Records
Styl Muzyczny
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